
Are You Scaring People Away?

Anxious looking woman

Having a unique personality is something to celebrate. Perhaps you’re proud of your original thinking and creativity, your persuasive charm and self-assurance, or the fresh perspective that you have on everything. But, are you scarying people away?

Being a deep thinker or something of a dreamer can magnetically attract, but also repel, people that you’d like to get to know better. Your strong personality may be scaring others away without you even knowing it.

Whether you want to be the centre of attention or someone who oozes confidence, identifying how you’re scaring people away can help you adjust how you show up so that everyone feels comfortable in your presence. On Chat2Date however, you can click with like-minded friendly people from all over the UK, while remaining totally anonymous.

Unconventional behaviour

Some people around you may feel unsettled or spooked by behaviour that is considered to be not the norm. If your personality is a little out there, you can easily come across as scary or intimidating in social circles.
While the opinion of other people shouldn’t concern you, it’s best to turn the volume down on your forthrightness, if you want others to warm to you. Chat about superficial things to start off with, so that your companion doesn’t feel overwhelmed by the conversation topic. Allow your natural charm to shine through, but be mindful that sometimes people need some time to get used to an approach that is unconventional.

Avoidant tactics

If people avoid hanging out with you, it could be because they find your personality somewhat of a challenge. Domineering and overbearing traits are a total turn off for company that’s easy-going, introspective or sensitive.
When people don’t respond to your invitations or messages, give them the space that they’re craving. Avoid being full on and pushy to get what you want, and accept that you’re just not everyone’s cup of tea. Instead, focus your attention elsewhere. Connect with people who share your passions and interests, and who are far more likely to make time for you.

Social awkwardness

Not everyone feels comfortable mingling with new people in social situations. If someone avoids making eye contact with you, it could be triggered by your nonverbal cues and body language. Your socially awkward personality may be invoking uneasy feelings for people around you.
There are a number of techniques that you can use to help you overcome social awkwardness. Learning to be a good listener, finding common interests, and adding humour to the conversation when appropriate can benefit your social interactions greatly.
You can also practice your social skills with friends. Ask them to give you an honest opinion about your personality and behaviour. Embrace your uniqueness, but be open to stepping out of your comfort zone, if you want to feel less awkward socially.

Preconceived stereotypes

Some social circles operate like a clique. You could feel excluded from a group when others shut you out because your personality doesn’t fit their preconceived stereotype standards. It could be your self-confidence, uniqueness or non-conformity that scares them.
Instead of trying to win the narrow-minded clique around, look out for people who are more on your wavelength. Surround yourself with other unique individuals who aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Badass attitude

Being a scary badass has pros and cons. While your fearlessness and self-confidence are impressive traits to possess, there may be some people who are scared of your positive self-belief.
People who judge others may have a negative impression of you simply because your strong personality challenges their beliefs and identity. Instead of getting defensive around folk that don’t get you, be mindful of the way in which you express yourself. Share your opinions and perspectives in a manner that clarifies and educates.

Energy vampires

Sometimes you may find that people are magnetically drawn to you, and no matter what you do they want to linger in your company. It’s your radiant aura and high vibration that is magically attracting these energy vampires to you.
To stop feeling emotionally drained, set healthy boundaries that repel toxicity and protect your high vibe energy.