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Home » How Much Does It Cost To Call Our 0871 Number?

How Much Does It Cost To Call Our 0871 Number?

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Our pricing has recently changed due to an OFCOM change in regulation which came info effect on 1st Jul 2015.

In light of these changes we have had to increase our service charge from 10 pence per minute to 13 pence per minute.

You can read more about the changes to charges to 08/09/118 numbers here – Ofcom Call Costs Guide

The cost of calling our 0871 number is now made up of two parts –

  • Service charge, which is 13p per minute
  • Access charge – this is the charge your phone company charges you to connect to the 0871 number

So the cost would be 13ppm + the access charge from your phone company.

In some cases, the phone companies have significantly raised their access charges which will affect the cost of your call. In order to try and make it easier for our customers to know exactly what they are paying to call our chatline, we have put all the access charges below.

NetworkMobile Access Charge (per minute)*Landline Access Charge (per minute)*
EEBetween 11p and 67p depending on call planN/A
Tesco Mobile25pN/A
Virgin MediaFrom 17p to 58p depending on call pla24p
BTBetween 0p and 31.41p depending on call planBetween 0p and 31.41p depending on call plan
N.B. Some providers have a 1 minute minimum charge.

 *Prices correct as of 8th Aug 2023. You should always check with your service provider.

It’s too expensive to use this service now from my mobile. What can I do?

We are very sorry that these changes have had a negative effect on your call charges. There are two options available to you to lower these charges –

  • If you use our service a lot, then the cheapest way to access it is by creating a credit card prepaid account. It’s the cheapest way to call and you will be able to access the service from just 6 pence per minute. You’ll be able to call the service with a 0800 freephone number or 0207 number so no premium rate numbers will feature on your phone bill.
  • We will be launching a mobile voice short code shortly. This is great news for mobile callers as it will mean that you will be able to access the service for just 25 pence per minute – NO HIDDEN EXTRAS. That means no nasty access charges from your phone company! We will have this short code in place within the next 4 weeks.

Please email the team on for more information on our services or call charges.

Thank you.

Chat2Date Team