
What You Can Learn From Your Dating Failures

Worried looking woman

Every time that you experience a dating failure, it can feel like all of your flirting efforts and emotional investment were a total waste of time. But if you tweak your perspective, you will be able to see that every date that fails to blossom into an intimate connection – that grows into a full-on love relationship – is actually a blessing in disguise.

You can learn a surprising amount about yourself, your values and self-worth, from dating failures and failed relationships.

The Dating Journey

For most people, the journey of love begins with flirting with someone you fancy, and arranging a date. If all goes well, perhaps there’s another date, followed by many more…that lead to the start of a relationship.

Others though, may experience endless first dates that never seem to progress to a real connection or a budding relationship. Being stuck in a perpetual one-date cycle can certainly feel soul destroying, and make you question yourself. Courageously exploring what each romantic failure is teaching you is essential if you want to learn how to attract lasting love into your life.

On Chat2Date you can easily connect with like-minded singles all over the UK, and explore potential dating possibilities. You’ll be able to practice your flirting techniques and communication skills, in prep for taking the next steps on your dating journey.

Turn Dating Failure To Success

Before you can become successful at dating, you need to focus on your past failures, and to learn from your mistakes. Putting the blame on the other person – for not seeing how awesome you are, why you’re such a catch, or all of your unique qualities – isn’t going to result in you getting lucky on your next date. You need to examine what went wrong, and why the blossoming connection dissolved on the first date. To find the answers to these questions, you must look within.

You may be subconsciously giving out a message of emotional unavailability, or exercising negative self-beliefs. Maybe you’re bombarding your date with OTT attention and affection, or acting too casual and cool for your own good. Being too quick to get intimately physical, on a first meet, is also likely to end up as a dating disappointment.

Identify your core issue and mistakes, and take responsibility for not repeating the cycle again.

Spot Dating Red Flags

When you’re keen to form an emotional bond with someone, it’s important to pay attention to red flags. It’s easy to overlook things that can potentially become an issue down the line, when you’re wearing rose-tinted spectacles. If you notice a behaviour pattern that’s familiar to past experiences, pretending that it doesn’t exist is a guaranteed way to get caught up in yet another repetitive cycle that catapults you into heartbreak.

Learn from your past dating failures, and be prepared not to compromise on anything that you consider to be a deal-breaker. If you settle for less than you deserve, you will never be happy.

Level Up

Every dating failure gives you a chance to level up. Yes, rejection can be tough, but picking yourself up and learning from the experience will get you closer to finding your perfect love match.

To level up, you need to be honest with yourself and to understand your dating style, needs and wants:

Being too needy for love is detrimental to your dating success. While it’s good to have expectations when you go out on a first date, allowing your emotions to take the lead can end up with you playing out a fantasy relationship in your head.

To avoid making a dating mistake, be honest and upfront about your expectations. If they don’t match those of the person that you’re dating, it’s crucial that you accept the fact and move on to dating someone else.

Ditch the illusions and fake stories that you’ve previously told interested parties, to influence their desire for you. Letting go of being someone you’re not means that you can fully embody your unique personality, and the traits and qualities that make you special.

When you level up, you won’t want to be anything but your authenticate self. You also won’t want to date anyone who isn’t genuine and authentic, as you just won’t feel truly comfortable in their company.

Embrace Being Single

There’s nothing wrong with being single – for a while, or a long time. You don’t have to be lonely just because you’re on your own. Being single gives you an opportunity to explore your passions and personal interests, which is something that many people tend to forget about once they form a relationship.

Embrace being single and commit to dating yourself at least once a week. Spend quality time doing things that you love and that bring you joy. Overcome loneliness by chatting to singles on the popular Chat2Date social network. You never know… you could strike up a connection with someone who ends up being the love of your life.