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5 Top Tips For Texting Girls


Texting girls is not something that necessarily comes naturally to guys. Well, men are from Mars and women from Venus after all!

We’ve got some great tips to help you get that conversation started and keep it going when you’re texting someone new.

Don’t leave it too long between messages

It can mean the difference of keeping the girl interested and her losing interest completely.
Equally though, don’t reply too quickly! If you’re always replying immediately then she might get a bit suspicious – why are you always free and why is your phone always stuck to your hand?!
You need to find a middle ground and pay attention to when she replies as well.

Make sure your spelling and grammar are up to scratch

Take your time over the reply and make sure you’ve not used any ‘text speak’ or misspelled anything. Try to match her intellect and sophistication with your replies and keep an eye on how she texts as if she’s not so bothered about it, then you can mirror that.

Try and use emojis

It’s a great way of ensuring your point is read as intended. There’s no tone of voice by written text so using an emoji can portray that you’re joking about something or that it’s a nice message rather than something rude or inappropriate. Just don’t use too many or you’ll look a little over excited.

Try to avoid texting for the sake of texting

If you’ve genuinely got things to chat about, that’s great, but don’t force it. There’s no point going into detail about something she’s really not interested in, or talking about the weather when neither of you care! Try and find things you both like to keep the conversation flowing.

You can still flirt when texting – be a little bit cheeky!

You’ve got to make sure it’s well received however. If she’s not interested and not flirting back then don’t continue texting, but if you get the green light, go ahead! Emojis can be very useful here, especially the winking face!

Fancy putting some of these into practice? Text girls now with Chat2Date!